Friday, January 2, 2009

2/365 Cori or Becca

Today has been a hard day. I am physically in so much pain. I actually just called the Dr on call to see if I need to go back into the ER. I am supposed to be feeling better, not this bad. I have been down this road before. I was in so much pain my teeth where chattering like I was cold. 

He told me some things to do & that I should go in tomorrow if I am still feeling this bad. He is a nice Dr. I felt bad calling him on a Friday night. I guess that is why he gets paid the big bucks. 

Here is a pic taken with my lousy little camera. Its my drug list and the times I have taken everything. The meds make me so loopy feeling that I don't want to take too many. 


sheree said...

ugh. That so sucks cori. I hope you wake up tomorrow feeling A LOT better.


PAL said...

You poor thing. I hope you get some relief soon. Praying for you & loving you ...

Mary said...

Oh Becca, I'm sorry you're still in so much pain. I hope you start feeling better SOON.

Kyla said...

You poor dear! I hope you feel much better soon.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, Cori, this is no good at all. I hope you feel much better soon.