Friday, January 9, 2009

9/365 Becca or Cori

Chatting with Phyllis on IM, my picture came to me for the day! 

8/365 Becca or Cori

Why do I attempt to take pics of my kids together? 

Sigh. This is the norm. He does the fake McCheesmo grin and she looks stoned. 

Heather 9/365

countdown until Tae turns 8! i week out. The next week I will be sharing pics of my oldest.
This was taken today with my new backdrop and another new petti!

Sheree 9/365

Today I FINALLY took down all of the ornaments on the tree. Now if I can get my husband to put the tree away sometime in the next few days, I will be a happy woman.

Peace out, Christmas.

Kyla 9/365

KayTar has gross motor (physical) delays and she also has a poor sense of balance. She is in weekly physical therapy because of this. For Christmas, one of her cousins got a Princess scooter that KayTar wanted to try so badly, but for the life of her she could not keep her balance on it or get the thing to move forward. She was so upset about that scooter, she talked about it for weeks. Last week in PT, she worked on a scooter board and scooted herself all the way from one room to the next successfully, with the therapist holding on to her. Yesterday in our backyard, she got on BubTar's old 3-wheeled Spiderman scooter and made it go all by herself! It was very exciting for her, and for us. I love the way this photo captured the tiniest bit of motion in her right foot, pushing that scooter all by herself, finally.