Monday, February 9, 2009

Phyllis 40/365

My precious iPod - I took this a few weeks ago, when I was playing Uno and waiting for Z to get out of school.  I erased everything off my precious iPod yesterday, on accident.  Two thousand songs, and all my games - gone.  My new project for the week?  Re-loading.  Sigh.

Mary 40/365

This is what I come home to every evening. Poor guy doesn't sleep well at night and wears himself out at work. I wake him up, we make dinner, and then it's practically time for me to go to bed. *sigh* It won't last forever, right?

Troye 40/365

My "new" kitchen. Also known as the most horrible project EVER! What should have been 3 days max, took the whole week, including many 1am bedtimes. Still have to hang the new light fixtures and cabinet knobs, all wrought iron. We're also thinking about getting new countertops, and a new stove w/ an over the range microwave soon.

Laura, 40/365

I tutor the the wonder-twins tonight. That's what I call the twin girls I tutor in US AP History. I tutor, and have tutored, many students over the years, but the twins are perhaps the most memorable. They're identical in appearance but have completely different personalities. The strangest part is, from the point of view of their tutor, they tend to finish each other's sentences and thoughts. It keeps me on my toes. Its like looking into a split screen television. As a spectator into the twin world, it is truly amazing sometimes.

Kyla 40/365

100 Legos for the 100th day of school!