Monday, January 12, 2009

Phyllis 12/365


My printer in my office, at work.
Guess you could call it my "flair".

Mary 12/365

This is a picture of Lago Atitlan in  Guatemala that I took about seven years ago.  It has such a look of peace and tranquility that I don't see in my everyday life.  I'm about ready for my next vacation.

Elyssa, 12/365

I've finally connected my phone to the blog so will be able to post
with much more ease and frequency.

I love that I was able to do this today (I'm visiting pals in Phoenix.)

Laura, 12/365

A dizzying sample of my "companions" this semester. I'm in no short supply of company with this many authors to cozy up with for 4 months. 

I'm running out of room on our office bookshelf. I lost about a quarter of my collection in a basement flood last year, and even still the shelves are overflowing. I think the sad time has come to contemplate donating or selling some books. I'll let you know when I get up the nerve to finally do it.

Troye 12/365

My monkey, so sad that she had to leave a really fun playdate

Heather 12/365

Tae Photobucket

Sheree 11/365