Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sheree 18/365

Sorry guys...I haven't picked up my camera in a few days. I need to get motivated again!

Forgive me.

In the meantine, enjoy a picture of my precious girl checking out her new threads.

Phyllis 18/365

We took one of our Sunday road-trips today, ended up in Lincoln, TX, population 276.  Ate at a local cafe, drove around wide open spaces, and enjoyed the gorgeous day.  I must say, the best part was when Aaron broke out into "Tiiiiiiiiiin roof, rusted." from "Loveshack" after seeing several tin-roofed houses.  Then, ironically, the song came on the radio within an hour afterward.  Good times.

Elyssa, 18/365

Did my first half marathon today. Sweet victory!

Laura, 18/365

My Life as Measured in Cups of Coffee: Today is a triple refill kind of day. My days can be divided among three or four categories: single, double, triple, or intravenous. I don't drink lattes or mochas; just coffee, and straight up. I don't know how many single days I have anymore (who can drink just one lonely cup?!), but the majority are in the double range. Thesis writing and final exam/paper periods are intravenous days. If the world were suddenly devoid of the wonderful little beans, my world would be a sad, sad place.

Mary 18/365

I guess I'm feeling nostalgic today.  This is a picture from the golden age at work, just over a year ago.  Only two people in this picture still work with me.  The token male is Kevin, my former boss.  I miss him most.

Kyla 18/365

My sick little guy, eating his breakfast this morning. I can always tell when he is about to get sick just by looking at those big blue eyes of his.

Phyllis 17/365

I have spent the last 90 minutes playing on a website that makes pictures like this.  My parents said I should get out more ... I think they might be right.