Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sheree 6/365

I have been running around like a mad woman today and have had NO time to take any pictures. So here I sit, with no creative energy whatsoever.

Tomorrow will be better!

6/365 Cori or Becca

Luke with his Elmo Live. He loves this doll. One of my best friends got it for him for Christmas. 

Its loud and annoying but so worth it when you see Luke smile. 

Heather 6/365

New petti, one of em;)

Mary 6/365

I love getting my kitchen dirty in the process of making something tasty.  This particular excursion was sugar cookies for a coworker.  I just wish that I didn't have to clean it again after all my fun.  What you don't see in this picture is the fantastic mess the dry ingredients made when the mixer got knocked up too high.  Flour, flour everywhere.

Kyla 6/365

More Medical Gadgetry

Today KayTar went to the allergist to follow up on her Botox for Babies lip swelling allergic reaction a few weeks ago (there was no actual Botox involved, in case you're wondering). The allergist didn't feel comfortable doing a skin test, because she is at high risk for anaphylaxis since her original reaction involved two body systems so we're being sent for blood work tomorrow. However, her high risk of anaphylaxis did qualify her for a lovely consolation prize, her very own pack of EpiPens.

Phyllis 6/365


I spent today hoping that my best friend feels this good again soon.
Love you, Bec!

Jen 6/365

Big sisters get to have all the fun. Lainey had her first swim lesson today ... actually not her very first. Her very first was nearly a year ago with an ex-Marine instructor who called her Stripes and forced her to do everything through tears. Needless to say that was her first and last. Until today.

Jen 6/365

Lainey went back to school today after two weeks at home. I was so excited to get her back into routine, but now that she's gone I am missing her.