Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My poor little skinhead. So about 3 months ago we took Ian to the hair salon and we must have gotten the newest guy on the block. He absolutely butchered his hair but it was good enough to get by until it grew out a bit. Well for the past week I've been noticing that his hair is growing out very unevenly. I tried to figure out a way to fix it while still keeping some hair. Well, what you see is the solution. He's so worried his friends at summer camp are going to make fun of him but I don't think it's that bad. It was hard enought to get him to let me take this photo!


LHB said...

Its not nearly as bad as he thinks it is! Actually, its kind of cute for the summer!! After being on the receiving end of more than a few bad hair cuts I know this much: Its only hair - it grows back :)

Mary said...

Poor Ian! He shouldn't worry so much. He doesn't look bad at all!

PAL said...

He is so handsome - with or without hair. Good lookin' kid!

Angel said...

I had to coax him out of his hat this morning!