Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Prior to about 6 months ago, I never took even a multivitamin on a regular basis let alone any kind of regular prescription medications. How times have changed. I'm quickly accruing, much to my utter dismay, quite a pill popping habit.

Meet my new "friends":

  • 125 mg of Levoxyl daily, as a thyroid hormone replacement since the radioactive iodine completely wiped my own thyroid gland out. Thanks Grave's Disease.
  • The bc pill Junel because the radiation would make pregnancy unsafe for at least a year. And because I have PCOS, I need to give my ovaries a break.
  • a wack of Vitamin D and calcium daily for insulin resistance. At least its not metformin. Thanks PCOS. I'm still not exactly sure why or how vitamin D, calcium, and insulin resistance are connected. When I figure that one out, I'll let you know.
  • A daily 81 mg of aspirin because the hyperthyroid caused lots of heart palpitations and freaked me out about heart health.

I think I need an antianxiety medication now from the panic attacks resulting from taking all these meds (KIDDING). I can see how quickly the cycle of pills spirals out of control though.


Mary said...

WHEW! Girl, I don't know how you keep up with it all. I do well to remember my melatonin and Zyrtec before bedtime.