Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mary 27/365

I was at work yesterday and I banged my arm a few times.  This is the worst of my bruises, but there are a few on the other side too.  Apparently my anemia is acting up again, and I've yet to find iron that doesn't make me sick.


Becca or Cori depending :) said...

Wowza! Looks like you got pretty beat up!

Kyla said...

Ouch!! You poor thing!

Troye Smith said...

Poor girl! When I was pregnant I couldn't handle the iron but had to have it. My doc had me take good ole Flintstone w/ iron chewables a couple times a day. Breaking up the intake really helped. Not sure how much you need, but it might be worth trying.

Mary said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Troye! I'm about to go to the doctor, and that's definitely something I'll ask him about.