Monday, April 13, 2009

Mary 103/365

I put in my notice at work today, after taking a serious look at my future with the bank, finances, and school plans.  I was planning to take the summer off for an internship, but now I've made the choice not to go back.  To my surprise, the news was taken with good grace and respect. What a load off my mind!  When I got out to my car after work, I saw this sign.  I've seen it a million times, but I'd forgotten it even existed.  How appropriate that I would notice it today.


LHB said...

It kind of looks like a tombstone too! How funny, and oddly appropriate!

PAL said...

This is AWESOME!

Mary said...

Kinda says it all, doesn't it? Clint thought the same thing about the tombstone that you did.