Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Heather, 27


That's me, Heather on my wedding day, May 2 2004. An old photo? Yes, but one I actually like of myself:) I like being behind the lens, not in front. I am a wife to my hubby David, we've been together since age 15 way back in 1996. We have 3 children. Taelyn will be 8 in January, I just cannot believe she is THAT old already. She loves Hannah Montana and her new DS Santa brought for her! Sebastian will be 4 in February, he was supposed to be a girl. Yes you read that right, he was not supposed to have a penis, but he does and for a boy I guess that is a necessary thing to have;)Our youngest and most likely our last is Aubrey, she's 19 months and loves to color on the walls (Thank God for the Magic Eraser!)She was a late walker and is a slow teether but she has a will (like me) to do what she wants when she puts her mind to it.

Dave and I grew up in Western New York, around the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area. We left NY in Sept 2005 for a short lived adventure in Omaha, NE. We currently live in a suburb of Austin, TX and have been here since 7/06. I am just starting out as a professional photographer. I have always been the crazy girl with the camera;)I love it...wouldn't want it any other way;)

Well I guess that is long enough for now. I'm looking forward to being a contributor to this blog alongside some wonderful women!

Happy New Year ya'll!


PAL said...

I, too, had a "Sebastian situation". They told me after 3 different sonograms throughout my pregnancy that mine was a girl. I fought this, hence the reason for 3 sonograms just to look at the sex, because I knew I was having a boy! Everyone else was shocked when he came out, except for me. We even had a boy name picked out, just in case I was right ...

Anonymous said...

Heather - I already know you are an amazing photographer, so I am really looking forward to seeing what you post here! Love your wedding photo - what a gorgeous bride.

Mary said...

What a lovely wedding picture! I feel about like you about the camera. I had to hunt to find a recent picture of me. Pretty sad.

It's funny how life changes all of your plans, isn't it? It always works out somehow, though. At 18, I was about to walk down the aisle (or so I thought) and in school for an education degree. Just short of a decade later, I've changed my major and profession more times than I can count. I think I've hit gold this time, and I'm so excited about the future.

Can't wait to get to know you better!

Becca or Cori depending :) said...

Look at you hot Mama! :) You look great!

sheree said...

Love your wedding pics. You are so beautiful Heather!